Saturday, April 21, 2012

Marian Coleman "Alphabet Cats"

Alphabet Cats is a 12” by 18” frameable poster.  The 26 letters of the alphabet are formed by cats in different positions.  I made each letter as a separate little piece of artwork, then combined them.  The whole process took almost a year.  I was happy when it was done, but I missed the involvement in a long-term project.  Although the kitties were fashioned after our own cat, Peanut, I felt throughout the last year that I had a litter of 26 different cats! 

The poster is perfect for kids, but every adult I know has fallen in love with it.  

$20 (plus $5 postage in the US, $8 everywhere else.)

30% donation to
Also available as a blank greeting card for $4.50.  (plus $1.00 postage in the US, $2.00 everywhere else.) Contact us to purchase a poster or one or more cards.

I’m a self-taught artist, inspired by color and fantasy. My primary medium is ceramics. Many years ago I took a night class in ceramics and fell in love with clay. I’ve been working and experimenting with it for over 30 years. I love the feel and the flexibility of clay, and I love the exquisite luminosity, range and depth of the glaze colors. When I work I try to follow the direction of my heart and my mind and my hands while listening to the voice of the clay.  

In the last few years I've been experimenting with art on the computer.  The artwork for this poster was made entirely in Photoshop. 

See more of Marian's wonderful work on her Etsy shop

Art Helps the Planet is a group of professional Pacific Northwest artists donating part of the proceeds from original art, print and card sales to animal rescue organizations.

Contact us

Panthera’s mission is to ensure the survival of the world’s largest and most endangered cats through global conservation action. Panthera works with governments and local populations to set aside reserves and corridors for travel between. They are promoting a future in which wild cat species  can  persist and thrive in the wild. Read more on their website

We can save the tiger.

Donate directly to with this link

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